Global Applications of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
Editor K. R. Rao
Global Applications of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel CodeEditorK. R. Rao© 2016, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA ( rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS WORK HAS BEEN OBTAINED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS FROM SOURCES BELIEVED TO BE RELIABLE. HOWEVER, NEITHER ASME NOR ITS AUTHORS OR EDITORS GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY INFORMATION PUBLISHED IN THIS WORK. NEITHER ASME NOR ITS AUTHORSAND EDITORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION. THE WORK IS PUBLISHED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT ASME AND ITS AUTHORS AND EDITORS ARE SUPPLYING INFORMATION BUT ARE NOT ATTEMPTING TO RENDER ENGINEERING OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. IF SUCH ENGINEERING OR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARE REQUIRED, THE ASSISTANCE OF AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL SHOULD BE SOUGHT.ASME shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced in papers or . . . printed in its publications (B7.1.3). Statement from the Bylaws.For authorization to photocopy material for internal or personal use under those circumstances not falling within the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act, contact the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, tel: 978-750-8400, for special permission or bulk reproduction should be addressed to the ASME Publishing Department, or submitted online at https:// Press books are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums or for use in corporate training programs. For more information, contact Special Sales at
CONTENTSDedication iiiAcknowledgements vContributor Biographies viiPreface xxvIntroduction xxviiPART 1: GLOBAL APPLICATIONS OF ASME B&PV CODES: North America and Western EuropeCHAPTER 1 Canadian Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards 1-1Wolf Reinhardt, Nick van den Brekel, and Douglas Rodgers CHAPTER 2 Perspectives of the Pressure Equipment Directive with Respect to ASME BPVC 2-1Anne Chaudouet, Stuart W. Cameron, Francis Osweiller, Peter Hanmore, and Guido G. Karcher CHAPTER 3 French Codes Dealing with Pressure Equipment 3-1Anne Chaudouet, Francis Osweiller, Alain Bonnefoy, Aurélien Di Rienzo, Philippe Malouines, Jean-Marie Grandemange, Gerard Perraudin, and Bernard PitrouCHAPTER 4 UK Rules for Unfired Pressure Vessels 4-1David H. NashCHAPTER 5 Belgium Pressure Equipment Regulation 5-1Damien Couplet CHAPTER 6 Boiler and Pressure Vessels in Germany 6-1Dieter Kreckel CHAPTER 7 Pressure Equipment Regulations, Codes and Standards in Spain 7-1CHAPTER 8 Risk-Informed Licensing, Regulation, and Safety Management of NPPs in Finland 8-1Reino Virolainen, Kaisa Simola, Ari Julin, and Olavi Valkeajärvi PART 2: GLOBAL APPLICATIONS OF ASME B&PV CODES: Central and Eastern EuropeCHAPTER 9 Some Aspects of Russian Regulation and Codes in Nuclear Power 9-1Victor V. Kostarev, Alexey M. Berkovsky, and Alexander V. Sudakov CHAPTER 10 Czech & Slovakian Codes 10-1Milan Brumovsky CHAPTER 11 Comprehensive Adaptation of the ASME Code at Paks NPP, HungaryPeter Trampus and Peter Pal Babics 11-1PART 3: GLOBAL APPLICATIONS OF ASME B&PV CODES: AfricaCHAPTER 12 Codes and Standards Used in the Nuclear Industry in the Republic of South Africa 12-1Malcolm J. Europa, Paul J. Brinkhurst, John Fletcher, Neil Broom, and Chris Stolle PART 4: GLOBAL APPLICATIONS OF ASME B&PV CODES: AsiaCHAPTER 13 Recent Development of Codes and Standards of Boiler and Pressure Vessels in Japan 13-1Kunio Hasegawa, Toshio Isomura, Yoshinori Kajimura, Masaki Morishita, and Yuichi Oishi CHAPTER 14 Korean Regulatory System and Codes of Nuclear Boiler and Pressure VesselsJong C. Jo and Howard H. Chung 14-1CHAPTER 15 Development of Nuclear Boiler and Pressure Vessels in Taiwan 15-1Ching-Tien Hung, Yi-Bin Chen, Shin Chang, and Ting Chow CHAPTER 16 Design of Indian Pressurized Heavy Water ReactorsPART A: DESIGN OF INDIAN PRESSURIZED HEAVY WATER REACTORS 16-1U.C. Muktibodh, K.B. Dixit, S.M. Ingole, Braham Parkash PART B: NUCLEAR POWER AND GENERATION IV NUCLEAR REACTORS IN INDIA 16-26CHAPTER 17 Application of Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Standards in China 17-1Jinquan Yan, Binan Shou, Ruilin Dong, Xuedong Chen, Yinbiao He, Tong Xu, Xueyuan Liang, and Jun Cui PART 5: GLOBAL APPLICATIONS OF ASME B&PV CODES: Special TopicsCHAPTER 18 Global Harmonization of Nuclear Construction Codes and Standards 18-1Richard W. Swayne CHAPTER 19 Global Harmonization of Flaw Modeling/Characterization 19-1Kunio Hasegawa, Bostjan Bezensek, and Douglas A. Scarth CHAPTER 20 A Case Study of Dry Storage System for Used Nuclear Fuel 20-1Jayant Bondre and William BraceyCHAPER 21 Utilities’ Perspective of Spent Fuel StoragePART 21A: ENTERGY PERSPECTIVE ON SPENT FUEL STORAGESteve Brown and Suzzanne Leblang 21-121A.1 Introduction 21-121A.2 Spent Fuel Pools 21-121A.3 Dry Cask Storage 21-421A.4 Reference 21-721A.5 Useful Material for Additional Reading 21-8PART 21B: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC SPENT FUEL STORAGE 21-9Lawrence Pulley PART 21C: SPENT FUEL STORAGE FOR CANDU® POWER REACTORS 21-11Todd Daniels prEfaCEPREFACEA total of 140 authors have contributed to this book since the first edition, to the publication up to the third edition of the Companion Guide to the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes. In the third edition, there were 107 contributors from countries around the world that use ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes. The contributors had participatory knowledge of ASME Codes, in addition to expertise of their own countries’ B&PV Codes. The current publication is a “stand-alone” enlarged update of the third edition of the “Companion Guide,” addressing the global applications of the 2014 edition of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes to the countries covered in the individual chapters.The effort on this book started with first invitation memos issued on November 1, 2014, to 46 contributors out of whom 16 are continuing authors. Out of the 550 pages covering 21 chapters in this book, five are new chapters, which are added to address critical issues confronted by the nuclear fleet around the world.Considering that significant organizational changes are taking place in ASME that reflect the industry’s demands both in the USA and internationally, the salient points of these have been captured in this publication by experts who have firsthand information about their country’s respective Codes in addition to their participation with ASME Code Committees. All of the chapters provide fresh perspective about the changes that have taken place since the previous edition. The insights of the authors are accompanied with equa- tions, figures, and tables in addition to extensive textual matter.This book is divided into five parts. Contributors who authored the country chapters revisited their write-up and updated it to cap- ture the current scenario. All of the chapters from the third edition, which had been updated were renumbered and relocated in the Contents to suit the intent of the current Global Applications of ASME BPVC Codes volume.• The first part addresses West European countries such as Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) of the European Community, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Spain, and Finland. The Editor regretfully informs that the late Dr. Luc H. Geraets who authored Belgium Chapter passed away, and a colleague of his updated the chapter on Belgium Pressure Equipment Regulation. Few of the authors who previously contributed for PED, French Codes, and Finland were unavailable for the current publication. Replacement authors updated the chapters to suit the current scenarios of their country Codes.• Part two addresses “Global Applications of ASME Codes in Central and Eastern Europe” Country Codes. Covered in this part are Russia, Czech and Slovakian Codes, and Hungary. All of the chapters were covered by country experts who contributed for the 3rd edition so that they could weave additional information commensurate to the ASME 2014 edition and current edition of their country Codes.• Part three covered the Codes and Standards used in the Nuclear Industry in the Republic of South Africa. Considering that South Africa is not continuing the “Pebble Bed Nuclear Reactor” concept, and the authors of the third edition either retired or were unavailable for the current edition, it is authored by a Code expert with hands-on nuclear plant experience.• Nowhere in the world is nuclear power activity so much in evi- dence as much as in Asia. Global Applications of the ASME B&PV Codes of the Asian Countries is covered in Part Four, which includes Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India, and China. All of the chapters excluding China country Codes were addressed in the third edition. Post-Fukushima nuclear accident, rigor- ous self-assessment of Nuclear Code regulations is in evidence in most of the countries around the world, especially so in the countries in the vicinity such as Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and China.o For the Japan chapter, only the lead author from the third edition was available for updating since all of the others either retired or were unavailable.o Likewise, the Taiwan chapter was handled by a new Code expert since the three authors from the third edition were unavailable for the current effort.o The Korea chapter continues to be updated by the lead author from the previous third edition.o Except for one contributor, the rest of the authors for the India Chapter from the third edition retired. Therefore, a new group of three authors from the same organization, which is at the helm of India’s Nuclear Design activity, were invited to update the India chapter. In addition, an author was selected to author Part B of this chapter to chronicle India’s transition from the current heavy and light water reactors to fast breeder reactors and then advanced reactors primarily based on thorium fuel that is available in abun- dance in the country.o Significant contribution in the current volume is the inclusion of China. Globally unparalleled amount of nuclear activity is taking place in China with collaboration of several international experts, significantly the US. Thus, in- depth discussions cover the application of the ASME Codes for the design, operation, in-service inspection, and safety management with respect to the China nuclear codes. The government of China owns and operates several nuclear reactors and has Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) vendors and fabricators that use ASME B&PV Code Sections I through XII. “Nuclear and Non-Nuclear BPV Code and Standards in China” are covered in this chapter by a “battery” of experts, several of them at the helm of affairs in the Industry, research, as well as academia.• Part five provides “Special Topics,” worthy of users of Global Applications of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes. There are four chapters, 18 through 21, all of them additional material not covered in the third edition, are in this part:o Chapter 18 “Global Harmonization of Nuclear Codes and Standards,” contributed by a recognized ASME Code expert, describes work performed by several international standards development organizations (SDOs), including ASME, to harmonize several global standards used for the construction of nuclear power plants.o Chapter 19 describes “Global Flaw Modelling Character istics.” This chapter is authored by three well-known Code experts who describe flaw modeling rules for fitness-for- service (FFS) procedures that are used if flaws are detected in pressure vessel and piping component, used in various countries around the globe.o Chapter 20 describes various challenges faced by nuclear utilities for the discharged used nuclear fuel (UNF). The two AREVA experts enumerate the management of UNF, with major emphasis on dry storage solution with the horizontal above-ground NUHOMS® System offered by AREVA. This chapter also describes the details of the NUHOMS® System including its components and operation.o Chapter 21 provides utility perspectives of spent fuel storage requirements and comprises three parts—In Chapter 21 Part A, two spent fuel experts provide a comprehensive overview of spent fuel storage within Entergy, a utility operating numerous nuclear power plants within the United States.o Part B of Chapter 21 deals with Pacific Gas and Electric’s (PG&E) spent fuel facility dealt by a PG&E expert. Aspects briefly covered in this part pertain to the role of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) for spent fuel storage at (a) the decommissioned nuclear facil- ity at Humboldt Bay Power Plant and (b) Diablo Canyon Power Plant. In this chapter, the author has several factual pictures of the facilities.o The last part, C, of this Chapter 21 is addressed by a CANDU expert who provides a high-level overview and three phases of the spent fuel storage system that is currently in use and planned to be in future use for the CANDU power reactors in Ontario, Canada. The author covers all of these phases with impressive pictorials and a pertinent reference.An important feature of this publication is once again, as in the previous editions, the inclusion of all author biographies and an introduction that synthesizes every chapter, along with an alphabetical listing of indexed terms.K. R. Rao, Ph.D., P.E.Editor
CONTENTSDedication iiiAcknowledgements vContributor Biographies viiPreface xxvIntroduction xxviiPART 1: GLOBAL APPLICATIONS OF ASME B&PV CODES: North America and Western EuropeCHAPTER 1 Canadian Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards 1-1Wolf Reinhardt, Nick van den Brekel, and Douglas Rodgers CHAPTER 2 Perspectives of the Pressure Equipment Directive with Respect to ASME BPVC 2-1Anne Chaudouet, Stuart W. Cameron, Francis Osweiller, Peter Hanmore, and Guido G. Karcher CHAPTER 3 French Codes Dealing with Pressure Equipment 3-1Anne Chaudouet, Francis Osweiller, Alain Bonnefoy, Aurélien Di Rienzo, Philippe Malouines, Jean-Marie Grandemange, Gerard Perraudin, and Bernard PitrouCHAPTER 4 UK Rules for Unfired Pressure Vessels 4-1David H. NashCHAPTER 5 Belgium Pressure Equipment Regulation 5-1Damien Couplet CHAPTER 6 Boiler and Pressure Vessels in Germany 6-1Dieter Kreckel CHAPTER 7 Pressure Equipment Regulations, Codes and Standards in Spain 7-1CHAPTER 8 Risk-Informed Licensing, Regulation, and Safety Management of NPPs in Finland 8-1Reino Virolainen, Kaisa Simola, Ari Julin, and Olavi Valkeajärvi PART 2: GLOBAL APPLICATIONS OF ASME B&PV CODES: Central and Eastern EuropeCHAPTER 9 Some Aspects of Russian Regulation and Codes in Nuclear Power 9-1Victor V. Kostarev, Alexey M. Berkovsky, and Alexander V. Sudakov CHAPTER 10 Czech & Slovakian Codes 10-1Milan Brumovsky CHAPTER 11 Comprehensive Adaptation of the ASME Code at Paks NPP, HungaryPeter Trampus and Peter Pal Babics 11-1PART 3: GLOBAL APPLICATIONS OF ASME B&PV CODES: AfricaCHAPTER 12 Codes and Standards Used in the Nuclear Industry in the Republic of South Africa 12-1Malcolm J. Europa, Paul J. Brinkhurst, John Fletcher, Neil Broom, and Chris Stolle PART 4: GLOBAL APPLICATIONS OF ASME B&PV CODES: AsiaCHAPTER 13 Recent Development of Codes and Standards of Boiler and Pressure Vessels in Japan 13-1Kunio Hasegawa, Toshio Isomura, Yoshinori Kajimura, Masaki Morishita, and Yuichi Oishi CHAPTER 14 Korean Regulatory System and Codes of Nuclear Boiler and Pressure VesselsJong C. Jo and Howard H. Chung 14-1CHAPTER 15 Development of Nuclear Boiler and Pressure Vessels in Taiwan 15-1Ching-Tien Hung, Yi-Bin Chen, Shin Chang, and Ting Chow CHAPTER 16 Design of Indian Pressurized Heavy Water ReactorsPART A: DESIGN OF INDIAN PRESSURIZED HEAVY WATER REACTORS 16-1U.C. Muktibodh, K.B. Dixit, S.M. Ingole, Braham Parkash PART B: NUCLEAR POWER AND GENERATION IV NUCLEAR REACTORS IN INDIA 16-26CHAPTER 17 Application of Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Standards in China 17-1Jinquan Yan, Binan Shou, Ruilin Dong, Xuedong Chen, Yinbiao He, Tong Xu, Xueyuan Liang, and Jun Cui PART 5: GLOBAL APPLICATIONS OF ASME B&PV CODES: Special TopicsCHAPTER 18 Global Harmonization of Nuclear Construction Codes and Standards 18-1Richard W. Swayne CHAPTER 19 Global Harmonization of Flaw Modeling/Characterization 19-1Kunio Hasegawa, Bostjan Bezensek, and Douglas A. Scarth CHAPTER 20 A Case Study of Dry Storage System for Used Nuclear Fuel 20-1Jayant Bondre and William BraceyCHAPER 21 Utilities’ Perspective of Spent Fuel StoragePART 21A: ENTERGY PERSPECTIVE ON SPENT FUEL STORAGESteve Brown and Suzzanne Leblang 21-121A.1 Introduction 21-121A.2 Spent Fuel Pools 21-121A.3 Dry Cask Storage 21-421A.4 Reference 21-721A.5 Useful Material for Additional Reading 21-8PART 21B: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC SPENT FUEL STORAGE 21-9Lawrence Pulley PART 21C: SPENT FUEL STORAGE FOR CANDU® POWER REACTORS 21-11Todd Daniels prEfaCEPREFACEA total of 140 authors have contributed to this book since the first edition, to the publication up to the third edition of the Companion Guide to the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes. In the third edition, there were 107 contributors from countries around the world that use ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes. The contributors had participatory knowledge of ASME Codes, in addition to expertise of their own countries’ B&PV Codes. The current publication is a “stand-alone” enlarged update of the third edition of the “Companion Guide,” addressing the global applications of the 2014 edition of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes to the countries covered in the individual chapters.The effort on this book started with first invitation memos issued on November 1, 2014, to 46 contributors out of whom 16 are continuing authors. Out of the 550 pages covering 21 chapters in this book, five are new chapters, which are added to address critical issues confronted by the nuclear fleet around the world.Considering that significant organizational changes are taking place in ASME that reflect the industry’s demands both in the USA and internationally, the salient points of these have been captured in this publication by experts who have firsthand information about their country’s respective Codes in addition to their participation with ASME Code Committees. All of the chapters provide fresh perspective about the changes that have taken place since the previous edition. The insights of the authors are accompanied with equa- tions, figures, and tables in addition to extensive textual matter.This book is divided into five parts. Contributors who authored the country chapters revisited their write-up and updated it to cap- ture the current scenario. All of the chapters from the third edition, which had been updated were renumbered and relocated in the Contents to suit the intent of the current Global Applications of ASME BPVC Codes volume.• The first part addresses West European countries such as Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) of the European Community, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Spain, and Finland. The Editor regretfully informs that the late Dr. Luc H. Geraets who authored Belgium Chapter passed away, and a colleague of his updated the chapter on Belgium Pressure Equipment Regulation. Few of the authors who previously contributed for PED, French Codes, and Finland were unavailable for the current publication. Replacement authors updated the chapters to suit the current scenarios of their country Codes.• Part two addresses “Global Applications of ASME Codes in Central and Eastern Europe” Country Codes. Covered in this part are Russia, Czech and Slovakian Codes, and Hungary. All of the chapters were covered by country experts who contributed for the 3rd edition so that they could weave additional information commensurate to the ASME 2014 edition and current edition of their country Codes.• Part three covered the Codes and Standards used in the Nuclear Industry in the Republic of South Africa. Considering that South Africa is not continuing the “Pebble Bed Nuclear Reactor” concept, and the authors of the third edition either retired or were unavailable for the current edition, it is authored by a Code expert with hands-on nuclear plant experience.• Nowhere in the world is nuclear power activity so much in evi- dence as much as in Asia. Global Applications of the ASME B&PV Codes of the Asian Countries is covered in Part Four, which includes Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India, and China. All of the chapters excluding China country Codes were addressed in the third edition. Post-Fukushima nuclear accident, rigor- ous self-assessment of Nuclear Code regulations is in evidence in most of the countries around the world, especially so in the countries in the vicinity such as Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and China.o For the Japan chapter, only the lead author from the third edition was available for updating since all of the others either retired or were unavailable.o Likewise, the Taiwan chapter was handled by a new Code expert since the three authors from the third edition were unavailable for the current effort.o The Korea chapter continues to be updated by the lead author from the previous third edition.o Except for one contributor, the rest of the authors for the India Chapter from the third edition retired. Therefore, a new group of three authors from the same organization, which is at the helm of India’s Nuclear Design activity, were invited to update the India chapter. In addition, an author was selected to author Part B of this chapter to chronicle India’s transition from the current heavy and light water reactors to fast breeder reactors and then advanced reactors primarily based on thorium fuel that is available in abun- dance in the country.o Significant contribution in the current volume is the inclusion of China. Globally unparalleled amount of nuclear activity is taking place in China with collaboration of several international experts, significantly the US. Thus, in- depth discussions cover the application of the ASME Codes for the design, operation, in-service inspection, and safety management with respect to the China nuclear codes. The government of China owns and operates several nuclear reactors and has Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) vendors and fabricators that use ASME B&PV Code Sections I through XII. “Nuclear and Non-Nuclear BPV Code and Standards in China” are covered in this chapter by a “battery” of experts, several of them at the helm of affairs in the Industry, research, as well as academia.• Part five provides “Special Topics,” worthy of users of Global Applications of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes. There are four chapters, 18 through 21, all of them additional material not covered in the third edition, are in this part:o Chapter 18 “Global Harmonization of Nuclear Codes and Standards,” contributed by a recognized ASME Code expert, describes work performed by several international standards development organizations (SDOs), including ASME, to harmonize several global standards used for the construction of nuclear power plants.o Chapter 19 describes “Global Flaw Modelling Character istics.” This chapter is authored by three well-known Code experts who describe flaw modeling rules for fitness-for- service (FFS) procedures that are used if flaws are detected in pressure vessel and piping component, used in various countries around the globe.o Chapter 20 describes various challenges faced by nuclear utilities for the discharged used nuclear fuel (UNF). The two AREVA experts enumerate the management of UNF, with major emphasis on dry storage solution with the horizontal above-ground NUHOMS® System offered by AREVA. This chapter also describes the details of the NUHOMS® System including its components and operation.o Chapter 21 provides utility perspectives of spent fuel storage requirements and comprises three parts—In Chapter 21 Part A, two spent fuel experts provide a comprehensive overview of spent fuel storage within Entergy, a utility operating numerous nuclear power plants within the United States.o Part B of Chapter 21 deals with Pacific Gas and Electric’s (PG&E) spent fuel facility dealt by a PG&E expert. Aspects briefly covered in this part pertain to the role of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) for spent fuel storage at (a) the decommissioned nuclear facil- ity at Humboldt Bay Power Plant and (b) Diablo Canyon Power Plant. In this chapter, the author has several factual pictures of the facilities.o The last part, C, of this Chapter 21 is addressed by a CANDU expert who provides a high-level overview and three phases of the spent fuel storage system that is currently in use and planned to be in future use for the CANDU power reactors in Ontario, Canada. The author covers all of these phases with impressive pictorials and a pertinent reference.An important feature of this publication is once again, as in the previous editions, the inclusion of all author biographies and an introduction that synthesizes every chapter, along with an alphabetical listing of indexed terms.K. R. Rao, Ph.D., P.E.Editor